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çevrimiçi: 1015 kişi  08 Şub 2025 
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Filmlerle İngilizce

  1. A1 where are you from?
  2. A2 weather
  3. A3 live
  4. A4 want
  5. A5 like
  6. A6 can
  7. A7 countries
  8. A8 past tense 1
  9. A9 past tense 2
  10. B1 will
  11. B2 going to
  12. B3 whose
  13. B4 activities and hobbies
  14. B5 describing a location
  15. C1 New Headway Video Part 1: Beginner
  16. C2 New Headway Video Part 2: Elementary
  17. C3 New Headway Part 3 Pre-Intermediate
  18. D1 English Conversation 1
  19. D2 English Conversation 2
  20. D3 English Conversation 3
  21. D4 English Conversation 4
  22. D5 English Conversation 5
  23. D6 English Conversation 6
  24. D7 English Conversation 7
  25. D8 English Conversation 8
  26. D9 English Conversation 9
  27. E0 English Conversation 10
  28. E1 English Conversation 11
  29. E2 English Conversation 12
  30. E3 English Conversation 13
  31. E4 English Conversation 14
  32. E5 English Conversation 15
  33. E6 English Conversation 16
  34. E7 English Conversation 17
  35. E8 English Conversation 18
  36. F1 English Today 1
  37. F2 English Today 2
  38. F3 English Today 3
  39. Finding Nemo - Nemo meets his classmates
  40. Finding Nemo: First Day of school
  41. Finding Nemo: The Mollusk Joke
  42. Futurama-all with the new eyephone
  43. I am Sam - All you need is love
  44. I Am Sam - Not Like Regular Daddies
  45. I Am Sam - Shoe Shopping
  46. Ice Age 3 - One Angry Fossil
  47. Mystic River
  48. Mystic River - Is that my daughter in there
  49. Mystic river - Say her name!
  50. Panic Room - "Get out of my house."
  52. Pirates of The Caribbean - On Stranger Tides - Make Way For Tortuga
  53. Pirates of the Caribbean - On Stranger Tides - Mermaids Clip
  54. Pirates of the Caribbean 2 - Jack Sparrow Not Making Any Sense
  55. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - At World´s End Film Scene
  56. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - Tia Dalma and Davey Jones meet
  57. Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides - "I Can Save You" Clip
  58. Pirates Of The Caribbean On Stranger Tides - "Seagulls Nesting, Nothing More"
  59. Pirates of The Caribbean On Stranger Tides - "Walk or Die"
  60. Pirates Of The Caribbean On Stranger Tides - Cliff Scene
  61. Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides : someone make a note of that man's bravery
  62. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - "I prefer rum... rum's good"
  63. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - Dead Kraken
  64. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - Everybody Against Jack
  65. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - She Has Not Told You
  66. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - The code is the law
  67. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - We Must Fight to Run Away
  68. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End: Island Meeting
  69. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - "Cannibal Scene"
  70. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - Hide the Rum
  71. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - I Got A Jar Of Dirt
  72. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - Jack Sparrow on the Run Lol
  73. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Strange Tides - Jack and Angelica on the island
  74. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides "Tango Scene Extended"
  75. Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides - "She has a Name!"
  76. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides - Blackbeard And The Mutineers Clip
  77. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides - Jack's Escape Clip
  78. Pirates of the Carribean: On Stranger Tides - ending scene
  79. The Green Mile - Cheek to cheek
  80. The Green Mile - Mostly I'm tired of people . . . being ugly to each other.
  81. The Incredibles - buddy spiked
  82. The Simpsons - Bart's Cranberry Sauce
  83. The Simpsons - Dr Nick
  84. The Simpsons - El Barto
  85. The Simpsons - Electronic Voting
  86. The Simpsons - Free Cable
  87. The Simpsons - Gun Shop
  88. The Simpsons - Homer Decides to Teach
  89. The Simpsons - I Am So Smart
  90. The Simpsons - I Said Ha Ha
  91. The Simpsons - Inbred Kids
  92. The Simpsons - Mapple Store
  93. The Simpsons - McBain: Let's Get Silly
  94. The Simpsons - Mr. Burns On Ether
  95. The Simpsons - My Bill
  96. The Simpsons - No On 24
  97. The Simpsons - No Pets In Heaven
  98. The Simpsons - Ralph For President
  99. The Simpsons - Steve Mobs
  100. The Simpsons - The Yes Guy
  101. The Simpsons - Think Differently
  102. Toy Story 1 - funny scene
  103. Toy Story 1 - Mrs. Nesbitt
  104. Toy Story 1 - This is a perfect time to panic!
  105. Toy Story 2 - Buzz Lightyear vs Buzz Lightyear!
  106. Toy Story 2: Crossing the Street
  107. Toy Story 3 - "Meet Ken"
  108. Toy Story 3 - Woody trapped at a tea party
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