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"wait" arama sonuçları

Cümleler (607)

desire If you real desire is to be good, there is no need to wait for the money before you do it; you can do it now, this very moment, and just where you are. James Allen
despised Nancy Drew was always changing her outfits. I despised girls' clothing, I couldn't wait to get home from school and get out of it. The last thing I wanted to read was minute descriptions of Nancy's frocks. Alison Bechdel
determined I determined to wait until I got back to town before telling my story to the police.
Devon Werkheiser I wouldn't exactly call it 'cooking' but I can make noodles. That means I can boil water, put the pasta in and wait until it's done. Devon Werkheiser
diabolical There was a diabolical wickedness in the idea great enough for the Count, and as the last chance I cried out, Shut the door! I shall wait till morning
Diana Ross You can't just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden dream. You've got to get out there and make it happen for yourself. Diana Ross
Dick Durbin It simply isn't fair for senators to cut to the front of the line when seniors around the country have been forced to wait for hours to get a flu shot. Dick Durbin
Dick York You'd go in, read the script once for timing and then you would sit around and play games. The sound effects people would come in and we would do a dress rehearsal so they could get the effects and the music cues in place. Then you would wait until you went on the air. Dick York
Dionne Warwick Years ago I learned to be totally responsible for Dionne Warwick. I will not wait for opportunities. I will create them. Dionne Warwick
Dirk Benedict If we wait until our lives are free from sorrow or difficulty, then we wait forever. And miss the entire point. Dirk Benedict
Dolley Madison Two messengers covered with dust come to bid me fly, but I wait for him. Dolley Madison
Dolly Parton When I'm inspired, I get excited because I can't wait to see what I'll come up with next. Dolly Parton
Dominic Monaghan I'm in this position where I can afford to wait, I'm lucky enough to be financially secure to not have to do anything that's thrown at me. You know the next couple of jobs are going to be pretty crucial in terms of how you're perceived by people. So I'm just waiting. Dominic Monaghan
Donald Cargill I wish your increase in holiness, number, love, religion, and righteousness; and wait you, and cease to contend with these men that are gone from us, for there is nothing that shall convince them but judgment. Donald Cargill
Doug Coupland You wait for fate to bring about the changes in life which you should be bringing about by yourself. Doug Coupland
Douglas William Jerrold In this world truth can wait; she is used to it. Douglas William Jerrold
Duong Van Minh We wait here to meet the Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam to discuss together a ceremony of orderly transfer of power so as to avoid any unnecessary bloodshed in the population. Duong Van Minh
Dwight D. Eisenhower Neither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him. Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight Yoakam I think actors are at the mercy of the opportunities presented to them. So you kind of have to wait for them to choose you. My music is insular - I can choose that. Dwight Yoakam
E. V. Lucas I have noticed that the people who are late are often so much jollier than the people who have to wait for them. E. V. Lucas

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