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wanted, wanted, wanting, wants
ihtiyaçlar, istenen şeyler want ihtiyaç, arzu, gereksinim, lüzum, gereksinme, yokluk, fakirlik, istek istemek, arzulamak, talep etmek, arzu etmek, yoksun olmak, ihtiyacı olmak, gerektirmek, eksik olmak
  • I'm living every ten-year-old boy's fantasy. The other day, Chris and I had this big scene where we had to pull out our guns, and I was thinking, 'Here we are in New York City - a place where every actor wants to be - and we are literally playing cops and robbers. How great is that?'
    Mariska Hargitay
  • I'm not one of these directors, so far, that wants to have a whole separate director's cut of these things. So far they've turned out to be kind of the length that they wanted to be.
    Jay Roach
  • I'm not playing for other musicians. We're trying to reach the guy who works all day and wants to spend a buck at night. We'll keep him happy.
    Nat King Cole
  • I'm standing up thinking. Anybody who wants to listen is welcome. If not, I'm happy to see them go.
    David Antin
  • I'm standing up thinking. Anybody who wants to listen is welcome. If not, I'm happy to see them go.
    David Antin
  • I've always thought that the stereotype of the dirty old man is really the creation of a dirty young man who wants the field to himself.
    Hugh Downs
  • I've learned, I think, to be able to distinguish between the necessary and the unnecessary as far as my limited outside time is concerned. Saying "no" politely is a necessity if one wants to lead any kind of stable life.
    Richard Chamberlain
  • I've never been one to sit back and go, 'I'd better do what the audience wants me to do, because I don't want to lose them.'
    Jim Carrey
  • I've very proud to be mayor of our great city. It's a city with a heart and a soul. Chicago has a unique spirit. Our business community wants to give back.
    Richard M. Daley
  • If a nation wants to live in peace with its neighbors, it doesn't keep rattling the saber at them.
    Howard Koch
  • If a person wants to be publicly gay, they should not be teaching in the public schools.
    Jim DeMint
  • If America is too arrogant, too prideful to repent, it's not the kind of country that God wants it to be.
    Tony Campolo
  • If an individual wants to be a leader and isn't controversial, that means he never stood for anything.
    Richard M. Nixon
  • If anyone wants to know why three kids in one family made it to the big leagues they just had to know how we helped each other and how much we practiced back then. We did it every minute we could.
    Joe DiMaggio
  • If bitterness wants to get into the act, I offer it a cookie or a gumdrop.
    James Broughton
  • If China wants to be a constructive, active player in the world economy, it's got to respect intellectual property rights or it makes it pretty impossible to do business with them.
    Dan Glickman
  • If God wants to take my left arm, that's OK, as long as I can walk and play with my kids. I'm a lot improved. I was worse than this after the accident.
    Manute Bol
  • If God wants us to do a thing, he should make his wishes sufficiently clear. Sensible people will wait till he has done this before paying much attention to him.
    Samuel Butler
  • If he wants their labor, let them go to work, without regard to politics.
    Charles E. Merrill
  • If he wants to blow his head off, let him. I don't give a damn about Jim Bakker.
    Jessica Hahn

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