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confused, confused, confusing, confuses
s. şaşkın, şaşkına dönmüş, kafası karışmış, allak bullak, şaşırmış, karışmış, karışık, şaşırtıcı, seçilemez, karman çorman, karmakarışık, mahçup, perişan
  • I'm sorry,but I'm still confused.
    Üzgünüm, bunu hâlâ anlayamadım.

  • "I remained confused as confusions generally are...""and remained an enemy among friends.
    Şaşırmış kaldım...Çünkü şaşkınlıklar genelde... Ve dostların arasında düşman olarak kaldım.
  • He climbs to the highest bloody room of the tallest bloody tower... and what does he find? Some gender confused wolf telling him that his princess... has already married.
    En yüksek kulelere tırmanıp… ne öğreniyor? Cinsiyeti şaşmış bir kurt ona prensesinin…çoktan evlendiğini söylüyor.
  • You have me confused with somebody else.
    Beni başka biriyle karıştırdınız.
  • 'Why, SHE, of course,' said the Dodo, pointing to Alice with one finger; and the whole party at once crowded round her, calling out in a confused way, 'Prizes!
  • A university anywhere can aim no higher than to be as British as possible for the sake of the undergraduates, as German as possible for the sake of the public at large-and as confused as possible for the preservation of the whole uneasy balance.
    Clark Kerr
  • Actually, I don't really like being confused with my image.
    Eva Herzigova
  • An image macro is a term coined for a picture with superimposed text, often for humorous effect. It is not to be confused with macro photography.
  • Anyone who isn't confused really doesn't understand the situation.
    Edward R. Murrow
  • Apple's decision to remove thousands of adult-themed apps over the weekend has left developers confused and angry.
  • Before I came here I was confused about this subject. Having listened to your lecture I am still confused. But on a higher level.
    Enrico Fermi
  • But my favorite period for actors is the 70s. I think so many great movies were made in the 70s. The 90s just seem to be a confused decade. Nobody knows, really, what's going on.
    Ethan Suplee
  • Don't be confused that my interest in religion, faith, and spirituality is driven by any sense of faith or spirituality of my own.
    Peter Jennings
  • Everyone knows what a curve is, until he has studied enough mathematics to become confused through the countless number of possible exceptions.
    Felix Klein
  • Feminists have confused opportunity with outcome.
    Warren Farrell
  • Fog and smog should not be confused and are easily separated by color.
    Chuck Jones
  • Fortunately, I was supposed to look confused and disoriented because, God, I felt that way.
    Dick York
  • He was certainly in a confused state. I used to go and visit him in Callan Park. They were really - to me they were the best poets those two writing in those days but it wasn't very encouraging because, well, they weren't getting far were they?
    Robert Adamson
  • He was certainly in a confused state. I used to go and visit him in Callan Park. They were really - to me they were the best poets those two writing in those days but it wasn't very encouraging because, well, they weren't getting far were they?
    Robert Adamson
  • He, however, who begins with Metaphysics, will not only become confused in matters of religion, but will fall into complete infidelity.

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