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kidded, kidded, kidding, kids
i. dalga geçme
  • All kidding aside, she's a great girl and
    I'm sure you're going to be very happy.
    Bütün şakalar bir yana, o harika bir
    kız ve eminim ki seni çok mutlu edecek.
  • You've gotta be kidding me.
    Benimle dalga geçiyorsun değil mi?
  • ...but he had to know I was kidding.
    ...ama şaka yaptığımı anlamış olmalıydı.

  • - You mean, you like it?
    - Like it? I hate it. Did you make that up?
    - No. I heard it all my life. I heard it first from my dad.
    - You're kidding me.
    - No, he's got some terrific sayings.
    - Sevdin mi, yani?
    - Sevmek mi? Nefret ettim. Bunu uydurdun mu sen?
    - Hayır. Bütün hayatım boyunca duydum onu. İlk olarak babamdan duydum.
    - Dalga geçiyorsun.
    - Hayır, çok güzel lafları vardı.
  • - Oh, I said it in a kidding way. - I didn't know he'd get fired.
    - Oh, şaka yollu söylemiştim. - Kovulacağını bilmiyordum.

  • - Lorenzo, sign this.
    - You think you're funny?
    - Do you?
    - Can't we kid around a little?
    - No, you can't! You've no right. I don't feel like kidding around with mediocre people
    - Lorenzo, imzala bunu.
    - Komik olduğunu mu sanıyorsun?
    - Sence?
    - Biraz dalga geçemez miyiz?
    - Hayır, geçemezsin. Hakkın yok. Sıradan insanlarla dalga geçmek istemiyorum.
  • - You're covered in chocolate.
    - I hate you.
    - He was kidding around. And you go wash your jeans .
    - You make me sick, all of you!
    - Don't get mad, sweets!
    - Leave me alone! I'm going to bed.
    - Heryerin çikolata oldu.
    - Senden nefret ediyorum.
    - Sadece şaka yapıyordu. Git de kot pantolonunu yıka.
    - Bni sinir ediyorsunuz, hepiniz!
    - sinirlenme, tatlım!
    - Beni rahat bırakın! Ben yatmaya gidiyorum.
  • - I've been thinking a lot about that. You know what we have to do? We have to report him to Langley. Now, I could do it myself but those are your books. They'll need your testimony to make a case against him.
    - He might have been part of the KGB, but we don't know what role he played in those murders.
    - You're kidding yourself.
    - Bu konuda çok düşündüm. Ne yapmamız gerekir biliyor musun? Onu Langley'ye rapor etmeliyiz. Şimdi bunu kendim yapabilirim ama bunlar senin kitapların. Ona karşı dava açmak için senin ifadene ihtiyaçları olacak.
    - KGB'nin bir parçası olabilir ama o cinayetlerde ne rol oynadığını bilmiyoruz.
    - Kendini kandırıyorsun.
  • - We have to polygraph this guy.
    - No kidding.
    - Bu adama yalan testi yapmamız gerek.
    - Ne demezsin.

  • And having a strong family, you know we've lost some members of our family and had some setbacks, but I think a good family and kids all those things I thought at one time... you got to be kidding me... Those things are so important they enable you to go on.
    Brett Favre
  • I knew that we were clicking when mimics started kidding my voice, I'll know that I'm on the way out when they stop doing their imitations.
    Vaughn Monroe
  • I talk to people who are musicians, and they go, Oh this is hell. And I go, Are you kidding me? You never put tar paper on a roof, did ya?
    Chris Isaak
  • I think becoming an actor because it's a ridiculously insecure profession to go into. I feel very comfortable but very lucky. I think any time that you imagine that it's plain sailing for hereon in, then you're kidding yourself.
    Hugh Dancy
  • I'm kidding about having only a few dollars. I might have a few dollars more.
    James Brown
  • Science is a method to keep yourself from kidding yourself.
    Edwin Land
  • Teller and I worked Renaissance Festivals and street performing - actually more real, no kidding around, Philadelphia street performing than we did Renaissance Festivals.
    Penn Jillette
  • There were some situations where I was giving up everything I had for the band and I just expected everybody else to feel the same way. I realized I was just kidding myself.
    Jerry Only
  • They are always telling us that Carolina Blue is not a color, that it is really Columbia blue or sky blue. But there is no bad blood amongst the teammates. All of our kidding is in good fun.
    Lorrie Fair
  • Those who have succeeded at anything and don't mention luck are kidding themselves.
    Larry King
  • Violence - look, we live in a violent world, man. This country was founded on violence. Who's kidding who?
    Bruce Willis

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