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Top 5000 » eager


s. istekli, sabırsız
  • You think a lonely old woman should be eager to hear someone call her "Grandmama"?
    You think a lonely old woman should be eager to hear someone call her "Grandmama"?
    Yaşlı yalnız bir kadının, birinin kendisine “Büyük anne” dediğini duymaya heveslenmesi gerekir mi dersin?
  • They seem rather eager to find you.
    Sana ulaşmaya çok hevesli görünüyorlar.
  • I'm just curious why you're so eager to find your long-lost niece.
    Sadece uzun süredir görmediğiniz yeğeninizi bulmaya neden bu kadar hevesli olduğunuzu merak ediyorum.
  • Sister Benedict is very eager to meet you.
    Rahibe Benedict seninle tanışmaya çok hevesleniyor.
  • Since when did the NSC (National Security Council) become eager to negotiate with terrorists?
    NSC (Ulusal Güvenlik Kurulu) ne zamandan beri teröristlerle görüşmeye hevesli oldu?
  • I was eager to begin my duties,so I booked early transport.
    Görevime başlamaya can atıyordum, bu yüzden ilk vasıtada yer ayırttım.
  • You're eager to marry, Esther?
    Evlenmeye istekli misin Esther?
  • Naturally, I was eager to read them.
    Elbette, onları okumaya hevesliydim.
  • If anyone else is eager to share the experience, I'll be around this evening.
    Eğer başka biri deneyimleri paylaşmaya heves ederse, bu akşam buralarda olacağım.
  • He seems eager to communicate.
    Dertleşmeye istekli görünüyor.
  • Too bad to disappoint those eager nimrods.
    Bu sabırsız nemrutları hayal kırıklığına uğratmayacak kadar kötü.
  • lt seems someone was a little eager to celebrate.
    Biri kutlamaya biraz hevesliymiş gibi görünüyor.
  • But notwithstanding my people are eager to bring our ancient culture into the community of nations.

    Ancak buna rağmen halkım eski kültürümüzü uluslar topluluğuna getirmeye heveslidir.

  • - Are you trying to imply something?
    - I'm just curious why you're so eager to find your long-lost niece.
    - Siz birşey mi ima etmeye çalışıyorsunuz?
    - Ben sadece uzun zamandır kayıp olan yeğeninizi bulmakta neden bu kadar istekli olduğunuzu merak ediyorum.
  • - What is it? What's the matter with you? Well.. ...since it appears no one is eager to hire my services......
    - Could you favor me with a little money instead?
  • A bore is a vacuum cleaner of society, sucking up everything and giving nothing. Bores are always eager to be seen talking to you.
    Elsa Maxwell
  • Activity in politics also produces eager competition and sharp rivalry.
    John George Nicolay
  • Americans have always been eager for travel, that being how they got to the New World in the first place.
    Otto Friedrich
  • And since geometry is the right foundation of all painting, I have decided to teach its rudiments and principles to all youngsters eager for art.
    Albrecht Durer
  • As a little boy of eleven I entered the Cadet Corps. I was not particularly eager to become a Cadet, but my father wished it. So my wishes were not consulted.
    Manfred von Richthofen

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