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came, come, coming, comes
[come] f. gelmek, ulaşmak, buyurmak; görünmek; ileri gelmek; tatmin olmak; tavır takınmak; orgazm olmak
  • Birth was something that came quite unexpectedly, and afterwards there was one child more in the house.
    Georg Brandes
  • Blue Movie was based on an idea that Stanley Kubrick had. Somebody came by one day with some porn footage.
    Terry Southern
  • Blue thou art, intensely blue; Flower, whence came thy dazzling hue?
    James Montgomery
  • Brian came back in on the road and Al stayed, but Al's the original member of the group.
    Bruce Johnston
  • Bud Johnson, God rest his soul of fame, a tenor saxophonist. Bud was always a big, big, big booster of mine and he always when I first met Bud in Pittsburgh when he came through there, he heard me sing and he wanted me to come to Chicago.
    Billy Eckstine
  • But a terrible change came over our stepfather about this time.
  • But alas! It was a long time before he came back to her.
  • But all of this success came at the end of a long climb.
    Michael N. Castle
  • But at the same time, if the right thing came along, I would do it in a second.
    Thomas Haden Church
  • But before he could untie the reed that bound him to the dead Mouse, a Hawk came sailing over the pond.
  • But between ourselves, Windibank, it was as cruel and selfish and heartless a trick in a petty way as ever came before me.
  • But generally speaking, I felt to engage in the political process was to sully oneself to such a degree that whatever came out wasn't worth the trouble put in.
    John Perry Barlow
  • But generally speaking, I felt to engage in the political process was to sully oneself to such a degree that whatever came out wasn't worth the trouble put in.
    John Perry Barlow
  • But he said Blanket Hill should be a national monument. And so we came out of his chambers feeling, though while we had lost to the powers of darkness, we had at least shown one Federal Judge what the right path would have been.
    William Kunstler
  • But I came from a conservative Republican background.
    Christopher Meloni
  • But in the east the sky was pale and through the gray woods came lanterns with wagons and horses, bringing Grandpa and Grandma and aunts and uncles and cousins.
    Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • But in the mornin', braw an' airly, an hour before sunup, a man came aboard wi' an order, written to him from England, to receive a box marked for one Count Dracula.
  • But it then very soon became clear that the response of a war against terrorism, initially conceived of in a metaphorical sense, began to be taken increasingly seriously and came to entail waging a real war.
    Ulrich Beck
  • But it then very soon became clear that the response of a war against terrorism, initially conceived of in a metaphorical sense, began to be taken increasingly seriously and came to entail waging a real war.
    Ulrich Beck
  • But just as I was ready to call it quits, I got the necessary money from a third party, who had been instructed by Bing to help me out, without letting me know where the help came from.
    Bob Crosby

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