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zf. ayrı olarak, ayrı, ayrı bir yere, uzağa
s. ayrı
  • You got no discipline. You got zero fucking initiative. You'd fall apart without me.
    Sende disiplinin zerresi yok.Lanet olasıca insiyatif de yok. Seninle anlaşamayacağız.
  • He understands what we say .That means, apart from having those powers, he's also very intelligent.
    Ne söylediğimizi anlıyor. bunu anlamı bu güce sahip olmanın dışında, çok da akıllı.
  • There are other things for birds to eat in a forest apart from the products of plants.They may be difficult to find.
    Kuşlar için ormanda bitkilerin ürünlerinden başka yiyecek başka şeyler var. Belki bulmaları zor olabilir.
  • Yet, with the very first strike, you will see the big lie......come apart before your very eyes!
    İlk darbeyle büyük yalanı göreceksin…gözlrinin tam önüde paramparça olacak her şey.
  • From everything falling apart in
    every society. It's so tenuous.
    Her toplum bölünme içinde.
    Bu çok hassas bir şey.
  • . I must have seemed ignorant. I hardly said anything apart from "Geronimo".
    Cahil görünmüş olmalıyım. "Geronimo"'dan başka hiç bir şey söylemedim.
  • You will see the big lie. It'll come apart before your very eyes.
    Büyük yalanı göreceksin. Gözlerinin önüne serilecek.
  • You will see the big lie come apart before your very eyes!
    Bu büyük yalanın gözlerinin önünde parçalanışını göreceksin!
  • You have been seeing me since 2007. Apart from the face lifts, I have treated you for everything.
    2007'den beri görüşüyoruz. Yüz gerdirme operasyonları dışında, her hastalığını ben tedavi ettim.
  • -These girls are twins. Should they be apart from their family?
    -We visited them on two occasions and concluded that in this case,we had to remove them.
    -Bu kızlar ikiz. Ailelerinden ayrı tutulmaları gerekir mi?
    -İki olayda da onları ziyaret ettik ve bu durumda onları ayırmamız gerktiği sonucuna vardık.
  • -Arjun's exams finished yesterday .Then why hasn't he returned home ?
    - Madam, apart from exams, there are other important jobs in college.
    -Arjun'un sınavları dün bitti. O zaman niye eve dönmedi?
    -Madam, sınavların dışında kolejde başka önemli görevler var.
  • - They were nylon and had lace up the sides and they're badly torn.. as if they've been ripped apart by powerful hands The label reads..."Smart Shop, Phoenix, Arizona."
    - Naylonlardı ve kenarlarında dantel vardı ve fena şekilde yırtılmışlardı... sanki çok güçlü eller tarafından parçalanmışlardı. Etikette ... "Smart Shop, Phoenix, Arizona." yazıyordu.
  • "A profession is a vocation founded upon specialised educational training, the purpose of which is to supply disinterested counsel and service to others, for a direct and definite compensation, wholly apart from expectation of other business gain".
  • A face that is really lovely in repose can fall apart if, when its owner stars to talk, she distorts every feature.
    Loretta Young
  • After that he turned to the question of invading England. Hitler said that during the previous year he could not afford to risk a possible failure; apart from that, he had not wished to provoke the British, as he hoped to arrange peace talks.
    Kurt Student
  • All faith consists essentially in the recognition of a world of spiritual values behind, yet not apart from, the world of natural phenomena.
    Dean Inge
  • Altogether apart from that, it would be a disgrace to us to make this bargain with Germany at the expense of France, a disgrace from which the good name of this country would never recover.
    Edward Grey
  • And Big Night, I think by the end the brothers find that balance, when they touch each other on the shoulder over breakfast and it's understood that what should never have driven them apart almost drove them apart. I think that's a true moment.
    Tony Shalhoub
  • And the most important thing - apart from telling a good, believable story, and being a true character - is to be someone the audience will care about, even if you're playing a murderer or rapist.
    Anna Friel
  • And what's more, would he have been entirely wrong in this case? Gregor did in fact, apart from excessive sleepiness after sleeping for so long, feel completely well and even felt much hungrier than usual.

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