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i. nutuk, konuşma şekli, şive
  • Language is political. That's why you and me, my Brother and Sister, that's why we supposed to choke our natural self into the weird, lying, barbarous, unreal, white speech and writing habits that the schools lay down like holy law.
    June Jordan
  • Laws protecting the United States flag do not cut away at the freedom of speech guaranteed in the First Amendment... Congress made this position clear upon passage of the Flag Protection Act of 1989, which prohibited desecration of the flag.
    Larry Craig
  • Look wise, say nothing, and grunt. Speech was given to conceal thought.
    William Osler
  • Lord Chancellor, did I deliver the speech well? I am glad of that, for there was nothing in it.
    George III
  • Marks on paper are free - free speech - press - pictures all go together I suppose.
    Georgia O'Keeffe
  • Men use thought only as authority for their injustice, and employ speech only to conceal their thoughts.
  • Mind your speech a little lest you should mar your fortunes.
    William Shakespeare
  • Most men make little use of their speech than to give evidence against their own understanding.
    George Savile
  • Most profoundly deaf people have speech that is very difficult to understand.
    Richard Masur
  • Much speech is one thing, well-timed speech is another.
  • Music is well said to be the speech of angels.
    Thomas Carlyle
  • My desire to curtail undue freedom of speech extends only to such public areas as restaurants, airports, streets, hotel lobbies, parks, and department stores. Verbal exchanges between consenting adults in private are as of little interest to me as they probably are to them.
    Fran Lebowitz
  • Native Americans are the original inhabitants of the land that now constitutes the United States. They have helped develop the fundamental principles of freedom of speech and separation of powers that form the foundation of the United States Government.
    Joe Baca
  • Native Americans are the original inhabitants of the land that now constitutes the United States. They have helped develop the fundamental principles of freedom of speech and separation of powers that form the foundation of the United States Government.
    Joe Baca
  • Nixon is the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump for a speech on conservation.
    Adlai Stevenson
  • No man not inspired can make a good speech without preparation.
    Daniel Webster
  • No one ever complains about a speech being too short!
    Ira Hayes
  • No speech can stain what is noble by nature.
  • Nor was it only from the millions of slaves that chains had been removed; the whole nation had been in bondage; free speech had been suppressed.
    Matthew Simpson
  • Now is the time to draw a clean, clear, bright line and say if you are engaging in speech over the Internet you do not have to check with your lawyer or your accountant. You are a free American, and you have the opportunity to engage in free speech over the Internet.
    John Doolittle

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