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played, played, playing, plays
  • If what you said is real, I bet someone plays the trick And this guy.. has arranged everything around you.
    Söylediğiniz şey gerçekse, bahse girerim ki birisi hile yapıyor. Ayrıca bu adam çevrendeki herşeyi düzenledi.
  • It's awfully common. The same stories, the Shakespeare, like those plays we saw at the Old Globe
    Son derece yaygın. Aynı hikayeler, Shakespeare, Old Globe’da seyrettiğimiz şu oyunlar gibi.
  • You know,I've got a nephew about your age.
    You should meet him. He plays guitar,too.
    Senin yaşlarında bir yeğenim var.
    Onunla tanışmalısın. O da gitar çalıyor.
  • Thirty-two years of slowly watching myself become extinct. My music.. ...growing fainter.All the time fainter......till no one plays it at all
    Otuz iki yıl boyunca yavaş yavaş yok oluşumu izlemek. Müziğimin ortadan kayboluşu. Sürekli yok oluşu...ta ki hiç kimse çalmayana kadar.
  • He plays drums.
    Kendisi bateri çalıyor.
  • I did two or three plays every summer.
    Dabney Coleman
    Her yaz iki yada üç oyun yaptım.
  • He usually plays pool with his friends.
    Genellikle arkadaşlarıyla bilardo oynar.

  • He speaks Chinese. And plays the oboe .
    - That would be cool. I should get my hair cut short.
    Çince konuşur ve obua çalmaktadır.
    - Bnece havalı olurdu. Saçlarımı kısa kestirmeliyim.
  • She plays the violin in the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
    Boston Senfoni Orkestrasında keman çalıyor.

  • The negotiator plays cards
    until Mike is back safe.
    Aracıyı Mike dönene kadar oyalayacağız.
  • A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.
    Wayne Gretzky
  • A great social success is a pretty girl who plays her cards as carefully as if she were plain.
    F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • A large percentage of the staff plays both online and here at the Casinos.
    Tim Page
  • A lot of people like to run in plays because it's a nice, steady job.
    Jackie Cooper
  • A lot of times, I played bass on songs. Gene plays guitar on some songs.
    Ace Frehley
  • A man of sense only trifles with them, plays with them, humors and flatters them, as he does with a sprightly and forward child; but he neither consults them about, nor trusts them with, serious matters.
    Lord Chesterfield
  • A puppy plays with every pup he meets, but an old dog has few associates.
    Josh Billings
  • A senior Palestinian plays down the prospects for a US push to resume peace talks with Israel without preconditions.
  • A young musician plays scales in his room and only bores his family. A beginning writer, on the other hand, sometimes has the misfortune of getting into print.
    Marguerite Yourcenar
  • Actually, every time I am back in New York, I read for as many plays as I can.
    Chad Lowe

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