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Top 5000 » planning


planned, planned, planning, plans
i. planlama, tasarım, düzene sokma, plancılık
  • The head of the planning commission is coming Saturday. We're finally softening up these environmentalists.
    Planlama komisyonunun başkanı cumartesi geliyor. Nihayet, şu çevrecileri yumuşatıyoruz.
  • The Planning Department wanted to change the traffic system, so they conducted a traffic survey.
    Planlama Departmanı trafik sistemini değiştirmek istiyordu, bu nedenle bir trafik anketi yaptılar.

  • Anyway, I have been doing some financial planning.
    Neyse, mali planlama yapıyorum.

  • When are you planning to start?
    Ne zaman başlamayı
  • I was planning on taking
    this girl to Red Lobster.
    Kızı Kırmızı Istakoz'a
    götürmeyi düşünüyordum.
  • You still planning on going north?
    Hala kuzeye gitmeye niyetli misin?

  • Our financial planning and
    expense budgets for next year...
    Gelecek yılın finansal planlaması ve
    harcama bütçeleri var.
  • l'm planning a Wednesday call.
    Çarşamba günü aramayı planlıyorum.

  • Are you planning on being a bachelor your whole life, Jesse James?
    Bütün hayatın boyunca bekar kalmayı mı düşünüyorsun, Jesse James?
  • When were you planning on telling me you own buildings?
    Binaların olduğunu bana ne zaman
    söylemeyi planlıyordun?
  • I had no idea she was planning to follow me over here.
    Beni buraya kadar takip etmeyi planladığı konusunda hiçbir fikrim yoktu.
  • Well, there is no harm in visiting
    the family planning center
    Aile planlaması merkezini
    bir ziyaret etmekten zarar gelmez.
  • - We are.. planning to go up on the roof.
    - At the end of the garden you'll see a ladder. Take it!
    - A ladder?
    - Yes.
    - Right. Thank you.
    - Biz... çatıya çıkmayı planlıyoruz.
    - Bahçenin sonunda bir merdiven göreceksiniz. Alın onu!
    - Merdiven mi?
    - Evet.
    - Tamam. Teşekkürler.
  • A farmer who built a castle behind straw bales without planning permission loses his High Court fight to save it.
  • A lot of films need planning in order to survive at all. It's part of the dog and pony show.
    John Turturro
  • A lot of my time was spent searching, thinking and planning my life.
    Ryan White
  • Able Danger was a top-secret military planning operation, established in '99 by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to identify cells of al-Qaida worldwide and to take out al Qaida terrorists. They identified five cells worldwide, one of them in Brooklyn.
    Curt Weldon
  • And I think that still is true of this business - which is basically research and development - that you probably spend more time in planning and training and designing for things to go wrong, and how you cope with them, than you do for things to go right.
    Alan Shepard
  • And it seems to me correct then, and I think it's correct now, that job one is get the planning done, make sure the buses are there. When that's done, it's completely appropriate to go around and tour around and look at the damage.
    Michael Chertoff
  • And she went on planning to herself how she would manage it.

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