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finished, finished, finishing, finishes
s. bitmiş, cilalı, sona ermiş, tamam, tamamlanmış, hazır, işlenmiş, tükenmiş, mükemmel
  • I let her alone and when she got that finished she left me alone. We trusted each other.
    Virgil Thomson
  • I listen to Bill Stewart play the drums and when I have finished doing that, I listen to Bill Stewart.
    Bill Bruford
  • I love a finished speaker, I really, truly do I don't mean one who's polished, I just mean one who's through.
    Richard Armour
  • I met some friends in the end of 10th, beginning of 11th, who were in the popular group so I finished off high school in that group and got to see both sides.
    Shane West
  • I met the guys through a friend of a friend, and their former drummer had quit. I wasn't too familiar with the Chili Peppers before that, so I joined at the end of 88' and we finished recording Mother's Milk at the end of 89', next thing I know I'm in Spin with a sock.
    Chad Smith
  • I never get scared making these kinds of movies because it's all make-believe, but I did cry when I saw the finished version of Man On Fire because it is so sad.
    Dakota Fanning
  • I never show anything to anybody until I've finished it.
    Irwin Shaw
  • I race historic muscle cars back in Australia, and that's my hobby. And I try to race home as soon as I've finished aa movie but don't tell anyone.
    Eric Bana
  • I set myself 600 words a day as a minimum output, regardless of the weather, my state of mind or if I'm sick or well. There must be 600 finished words-not almost right words.
    Arthur Hailey
  • I should have considered it wrong to have finished the Frieze before the room for its accommodation and the funds for its completion were available.
    Edvard Munch
  • I started writing movie scripts. They excited me a lot, but I didn't like them when they were finished because they were simple copies of the films I saw in childhood.
    Manuel Puig
  • I still have a full-time day job, which is why it took me five years to write An Ear to the Ground, and why I won't have another book finished by next week.
    Ken Thompson
  • I think it affected me physically and emotionally, yes. I did have my ups and downs, but I actually had more ups and downs after the shots were finished and she was pregnant because of the reality of being pregnant with twins.
    Cheryl Tiegs
  • I think once you've finished a movie you really have to detach from it so that you can come back and watch it as an audience member.
    Frank Darabont
  • I took six months off, finished high school, and hung out with friends.
    Devon Sawa
  • I usually like whatever I've recently finished best.
    John Sladek
  • I was half asleep lying there writing this lyric in my head at about 3:30 in the morning. I woke Steve up with this idea and then we went into the living room where there was a little upright piano and finished the song. I wonder where that piano is now?
    Jim Capaldi
  • I was never confident about finishing a book, but friends encouraged me. When I finished my first book, it was accepted by a publisher right away and became an instant bestseller. One male critic called it the most shocking book he ever read.
    Jackie Collins
  • I was very fortunate in having David Fincher, the director come to me. Now I've seen the finished product, I feel that every bit of the nine months we spent on the film was worth it.
    Dwight Yoakam
  • I write and rewrite and rewrite and write and like to turn in what I think is finished work.
    Gay Talese

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