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i. kolaylıklar, imkânlar, tesisler
  • Magnificent facilities.
    Mükemmel binalar.

  • Do you live here in this forest in total poverty? I mean, I hate to think what the toilet facilities alike around here...
    Bu ormanda tamamen mahrumiyet içinde mi yaşıyorsunuz? Yani burada umumi tuvaletlerin neye benzediğini düşünmek istemiyorum.
  • - That's prohibited. The general rules for construction of standard facillities are binding.
    - But three standard facilities cost more than our design.
  • A successful person isn't necessarily better than her less successful peers at solving problems; her pattern-recognition facilities have just learned what problems are worth solving.
    Ray Kurzweil
  • A world community can exist only with world communication, which means something more than extensive short-wave facilities scattered; about the globe. It means common understanding, a common tradition, common ideas, and common ideals.
    Robert M. Hutchins
  • As the Nation's primary supporter of research in the physical sciences, the DOE Office of Science led the way in creating a unique system of large-scale, specialized, often one-of-a-kind facilities for scientific discovery.
    Judy Biggert
  • Especially today, given the tight fiscal situation that many States and localities face, the use of transportation facilities that pay for themselves without additional Federal funding is essential.
    Michael Burgess
  • I believe that States should be credited for their non-Federal investment in revenue-generating transportation facilities to address their regional transportation needs.
    Michael Burgess
  • If the British Fleet were lost or captured, the Atlantic might be dominated by Germany, a power hostile to our way of life, controlling in that event most of the ships and shipbuilding facilities of Europe.
    Wendell Willkie
  • In addition, it is very likely that United States action in Iraq caused Iran to open its nuclear facilities for international inspection and suspend its uranium enrichment activities.
    Jim Gerlach
  • Incidentally, our railroad facilities are under video surveillance by the federal police. However, the federal and state governments will have to determine whether video surveillance shouldn't be significantly expanded to a certain degree.
    Otto Schily
  • Isfahan has one of the largest steel-producing facilities in the entire region, as well as facilities for producing special alloys.
  • It definitely helps to have been through the arm training flow before and to have used the arm on orbit, and it also gives me the confidence to know that our training facilities are really good, that when you get up there, you feel like you've been there.
    Linda M. Godwin
  • It is the potential for economic growth that provides the basis for the development of countries, for bringing to people essential goods and services, such as water to drink and facilities for healthcare.
    Lee R. Raymond
  • Los Angeles is an industry town, and it has great facilities and personnel. The disadvantage is that everyone there seems to talk about the same subject matter.
    Carter Burwell
  • Marriage is good enough for the lower classes: they have facilities for desertion that are denied to us.
    George Bernard Shaw
  • Married and divorced, three beautiful daughters, two in college. The other one is 16, lives with her mom. I'm 46, I've worked for the Post Office for 18 years, seven facilities in three states.
    Arthur Godfrey
  • Most cases, I would say, in a huge amount of cases, countries that have worked with us and have used our financial facilities have come out quick... more quickly and in a better shape from a crisis than would have come out otherwise.
    Rodrigo Rato
  • My work at MIT had focused on what we could build in space once we had inexpensive space transportation and industrial facilities in orbit. And this led to various sorts of work in space development.
    K. Eric Drexler
  • NARA must provide security at our facilities to protect our public patrons, our staff, and our holdings.
    Allen Weinstein

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