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çevrimiçi: 1549 kişi  14 May 2024 
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sold, sold, selling, sells
f. satmak,
i. satış
  • and I think we're going
    to sell some cereal.
    ...sanırım biraz tahıl gevreği
  • - You're a salesman. Sell to the one who pays Not to the girl!
    - I didn't.
    - Pay attention.
    - Sen bir satıcısın. Parayı ödeyen kişiye sat, kıza değil!
    - Ben yapmadım.
    - Dikkat et!
  • - I want my money!
    - You'll get your money. Teja's brother is bringing diamonds from London.He'll sell the diamonds and pay you off!
    - Paramı istiyorum.
    - Paranı alacaksın. Teja'nın abisi London'dan elmas getiriyor. Elmasları satınca borcunu verecek.
  • - Such an unlucky year. I even had to sell my camera. No little jobs on the horizon... some smuggling?
    - How about 100,000 lira with out lifting a finger?
    - 100,000 lira?
    - Yes.
    - I could kiss you!
    - Öyle şanssız bir yıl ki. Fotoğraf makinemi bile satmak zorunda kaldım. Ufukta küçük iş bile yok... mesela biraz kaçakçılık?
    - Parmağını bile kıpırdatman 100.000 liraya ne dersin?
    - 100.000 lira?
    - Evet.
    - Seni öpebilirim şu an.
  • -They want -to demolish the kitchen.
    -So? You want to sell it?
    - Onlar- mutfağı yıkmak istiyorlar.
    -Ee? Onu satmak mı istiyorsun?
  • - Mafia is famous for stealing shipments of merchandise.
    - For real? So if you and l hijack a truck of Tommy Hilfiger sportswear and sell it on the street... we become mafia?
    - Mafya, sevkedilen ticari malları çalmasıyla meşhurdur.
    - Gerçekten mi? Yani seninle ben Tommy Hilfiger marka bir kamyon dolusu spor kıyafetini çalsak ve bunları sokakta satsak... mafya mı oluruz?
  • - What happens over here?
    - That's where we harvest the wheat. Then we package it and freeze for shipping.
    - Who do you sell it to?
    - Norway and Russia.
    - Burada ne yapılıyor?
    - Burası buğdayı hasat ettiğimiz yer. Sonra onları paketliyor ve nakliye için donduruyoruz.
    - Kime satıyorsunuz?
    - Norveç ve Rusya'ya.
  • -You won't sell diamonds in Paris anymore.Agreed?Say it!
    - Bundan sonra Paris'te elmas satmayacaksın. Anlaştık mı? Söyle hadi!
    - Anlaştık.
  • - We'd better find the old Chinaman who stuff that jackal for us.
    - At that size it would sell well.
    - Bize bu çakalı dolduran Çinli adamı bulsak iyi olur.
    - Bu büyüklükteki birşey iyi satar.
  • A Zimbabwean law that forces foreign-owned companies to sell a majority stake to indigenous people comes into effect.
  • Agents are still asking for millions of dollars for actors that don't sell one ticket.
    Uwe Boll
  • Allow me to sell you a couple?'
  • And friends of mine that had photography class in high school would develop the film and make prints and I'd take them back to the track and give 'em away or try and sell them. Much to my parents' dismay, I majored in photography in college.
    John Sexton
  • And when the day come he sell off by a great auctioneer all the goods of that other man who own them.
  • Any fool can write a novel but it takes real genius to sell it.
    J. G. Ballard
  • Any fool can write a novel but it takes real genius to sell it.
    J. G. Ballard
  • Any New York group can come to L.A. and sell out every show, but an L.A. group who goes to New York might not do the same because the audience hasn't been introduced to the group.
    Ice T
  • Anyone who wants to sell you overnight success or wealth is not interested in your success; they are interested in your money.
    Bo Bennett
  • Anyone who wants to sell you overnight success or wealth is not interested in your success; they are interested in your money.
    Bo Bennett
  • Anyone who'd sell out a whole town wouldn't hesitate to double-cross one man.
    Arnold Rothstein

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