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  • Other studies have claimed chocolate may be good for the heart
  • One woman who made her way out of the tunnel said she was with five other people in a van, but added: "I have no idea about what happened to the others. I don't know how many vehicles were ahead and behind ours."
  • uthorities said in a statement on Saturday that the work permits of 29 other drivers would be revoked, followed by their deportation. None of the men were identified.
  • The overall global trend does give some hope for optimism as the steep increase in terrorist activity experienced from 2003 to 2007 has halted, however the deteriorating situation in Syria and other future possible conflicts in the Middle-East could reverse the situation," the report said
  • apan has also ordered emergency inspections of other road tunnels
  • Most of these are female 'worker' honeybees that are unable to reproduce and instead devote their short lives to finding food in flowers... and other tasks such as nursing larvae inside the hive."
  • "From our knowledge of how the histone code works with in other organisms, we think the marks on the histone proteins might act as one of the switches that control how the larvae develop."
  • The group gathered the data during a series of attacks on Nasa, the FBI, the European Space Agency and many other government agencies and contractors.
  • The Pamp gold refinery looks like any other modern factory block from the outside. Even the entrance is not especially remarkable, apart from a somewhat higher-than-normal level of security.
  • He's watched other delivery services expand and implode within weeks, taking millions of dollars down with them. So he is not in any hurry.
  • It was rejected by the Constitutional Council on Saturday because, unlike other forms of income tax, it was to be applied to individuals rather than households.
  • The researchers showed that light was activating in the mice a protein, melanopsin, which also has a role in regulating the body clock, and is present in people. However, whether the same processes take place in people or other animals is unknown.
  • And in vain are the protests of the 750 other passengers across Switzerland receiving similar fines every single day.
  • But it became clear that the air traffic authorities were not going to grant that permission. The reasoning was that Germany's military drones would be unable to avoid collisions with other, civilian aircraft.
  • The current requirement for health warnings is for 30% minimum coverage on one side and 40% on the other.
  • They do seem to have the respectful relationship of old adversaries. In the past, they have not been warm and tactile with each other in the way, say, Mrs Merkel and US President Barack Obama were when he visited Berlin (before the revelation that his people were listening in on her phone). But that is not her way, or his.
  • Some of us learned in a school of philosophy which taught that all was for the common good and nothing for oneself and have never, in any case, regarded the pursuit of happiness as anything other than an aberration of the human spirit.
  • You and I can divide up all the rest of it.I mean, the furniture and other things like china, silverware,books and picture.

    Sen ve ben geri kalanını bölüşebiliriz. Yani eşyaları ve porselen, sofra takımı, kitaplar ve resim gibi diğer şeyleri.
  • - What happened in the hotel ?
    - I told you all about it .
    - But normally people don' disappear like that.
    - We might have misunderstood each other somehow.

    - Otelde ne oldu?
    - Sana herşeyi anlatmıştım.
    - Ama normalde insanlar öylece kaybolmazlar.
    - Bir şekilde birbirimizi yanlış anlamış olabiliriz.
  • -They looked at each other and smiled fondly.
    - Then?
    - I followed them at a distance.
    - Then?
    - They went straight to Moti theatre.

    - Onlar birbirlerine bakıp hoş bir şekilde gülümsediler.
    - Sonra?
    - Onları uzaktan takip ettim.
    - Sonra?
    - Onlar direk Moti tiyatrosuna gittiler.

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