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Top 5000 » code


f. kodlamak
i. kod, kanun
  • Okay, the code is
    Jake's birthday.
    Tamam, şifre Jake'in doğum günü.
  • I press zero first, then the area code and number…
    Öncelikle sıfıra bastım, ardından alan kodu ve numara…

  • You said when Lindsey forced you to break the code you gave him false coordinates. Where did you send them?
    Lindsey'in seni kodu kırmaya zorladığında, ona yanlış koordinatları verdiğini söylemiştin. Onları nereye gönderdin?
  • They've hired a fairly prestigious freelance assassin into find Khasinau and dismember him."The Snowman" is his code name
    Khasinau'yu bulması ve ortadan kaldırması için oldukça prestijli, serbest çalışan bir suikastçı tuttular. Adamın kod adı "Snowman".
  • What’s the area code for Honolulu?
    Honolulu’nun alan kodu neydi?

  • Those are official code names given by the CIA to over a dozen of our officers,all of whom were killed.
    Hepsi öldürülmüş olan, 12den fazla memurumuza CIA tarafından verilmiş resmi kod isimleri bunlar.
  • Then press the country code… 55 for Brazil, and the area code.
    Daha sonra ülke kodunu... Brezilya için 55 ve alan kodunu tuşlayın.

  • You see, John.. What distinguish you?ls that you are quite simply the best code breaker l ever seen.
    Bak John.. Seni diğerlerden ne farklı kılan? En basit olarak sen benim gördüğüm en iyi şifre çözücüsün.
  • But most of it is in code, code we haven't been able to break.
    Ama çoğu bizim kıramadığımız kodlar kodlanmış.
  • That`s area code 619.
    Alan kodu 619.

  • The number is area code 619- 451-0239.
    Alan kodu 619 telefon numarası 451-0239.

  • - Can we have code names too?
    - If you want. Okay.
    - But don't try and kidnap me or anything... cause my step-uncle's a bounty hunter and he could have you tracked and killed.
    - Kod adlarımız da olabilir mi?
    - Eğer istiyorsan. Tamam.
    - Ama beni kaçırmayı denemeye kalkma... çünkü üvey-amcam maaşlı bir avcıdır ve seni takip ettirip öldürebilir.
  • - This is Pope Alexander VI. Rambaldi was his chief architect. Rambaldi made a habit of hiding his work in ordinary things. The code is hidden in this painting.
    - Bu Papa 6. Alexander. Rambaldi onun baş mimarı idi. Rambaldi'nin çalışmalarını sıradan şeylerin arkasına gizlemek gibi bir alışkanlığı vardı. Şifre bu tabloda gizli.
  • "Empathy" is the latest code word for liberal activism, for treating the Constitution as malleable clay to be kneaded and molded in whatever form justices want. It represents an expansive view of the judiciary in which courts create policy that couldn't pass the legislative branch or, if it did, would generate voter backlash.
    Karl Rove
  • A Code of Honor: Never approach a friend's girlfriend or wife with mischief as your goal. There are just too many women in the world to justify that sort of dishonorable behavior. Unless she's really attractive.
    Bruce Jay Friedman
  • A code of practice is being developed for airport body scanners in response to fears their images could be misused.
  • A computer scientist publishes details of the secret code used to encrypt the majority of mobile phone conversations.
  • A German computer scientist publishes details of the secret code used to encrypt the majority of mobile phone conversations.
  • A US software company lawsuit accuses China of stealing its code for a program used to block certain internet sites.
  • A US software company lawsuit accuses China of stealing its code for a programme used to block certain internet sites.

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